Today I:

-Woke up to the 2nd avenue Subway jackhammers.
-Made oatmeal that I packed with me. #Nerd
-Met Masha for lunch on 51st and Lex.
-Tried on clothes and shoes at the stores on 86th.
-Took a nap.
-Walked by my old apt on the way to Suze’s. I think they added a new owl.
-Ate at Lovely Day on Elizabeth street with Mash + Suze.
-Got ice cream in 30 degree weather.
-Made my New Yorkers be tourists.
-Hung out in a s’cute studio apt.

Trying to stay warm. Miss ya! This ice cream is flavored to taste like the milk at the end of your cereal. And it does. Worth nearly freezing to death for!
#frozen/#lost: Doing it for the snap: Me + Suze hanging at Serena’s house: There she is! Her space is a damn dream. 

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