
WHHHHHHAAAAATTTUPPPPP, NEW YEAR? It seems like only yesterday it was 2015. (I SAW YOUR EYES ROLL JUST THEN).

How did I spend my first day of 2016, you ask? Well, pups and I rang in the new year in our jammie’s, under two heavy blankets being warmed by a heated mattress pad (on level 8, if you’re curious). I was looking through pics on my phone and picked out some of my faves from 2015:

December 2015 In Review. 0429

Last year was a good one. You can see my whole 2015 review here. Anywho, last year, as I was thinking of what I wanted my theme (or statement word) for the year to be, I really couldn’t think of anything. I almost just kept All The Things as I hadn’t really lived that one up too much in 2014…but in late Jan or even February I landed on With Intention. I liked that idea a lot – to do things with an intention, whatever that intention may be. I feel like I was pretty successful – I put intention into relationships that I valued, intention into my body and health (for most of the year, anyway), travel and growth. But, just like every year, it has to end. (ha!) So, this year, as I was thinking the last few days about something that I want to encourage and motivate me – the word WORK just kept coming to mind.

Work being defined as:
: activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:
a : sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result
b : the labor, task, or duty that is one’s accustomed means of livelihood
c : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity

I’m sticking to it. Work - 2016I’m looking so forward to this year – I feel like it’s going to be a great year of growth and just plain hard WORK.

So how was my first day of 2016 spent? I attended an Xtend Barre class this am, spilled almost half my water bottle on my way to the class and when the class ended the puddle on my seat had completely frozen!! It was 9 degrees when I was driving there. BRR. Then I got a smashed avocado tartine with coffee roasted beets with an iced chai from The Rose Establishment and then I went and caught the 10:30am showing of JOY at the Gateway. For the last few hours I have been snuggling with pup, eating a chocolate Frosty from Wendy’s and listening to the GIRLS soundtrack playlist on Spotify. Wonder what I am going to do on the second day of 2016? haha




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