Okay, so I was Facebook stalking this girl that I took photo with in High School. She’s amazing and has made quite a career out her photography. Anyways, in the summer she posted these band pictures that she took of these two sisters, Sophie and Tessa Barton.
The girls were SO pretty. I was obsessed with the album for a while. A few months later I was looking through the album again and was sad to read that one of the sisters had passed away. There was a link to the girls band Facebook page so obviously I stalked it.

OHHHH. M. G. I fell in love with their music.

Fast forward a few months and New City Skyline, this badass local band that I went to school with back in C-town, started advertising for a December show they were playing in. I checked out the advertisement they posted and saw that Tessa Barton was playing at the same show.

Naturally I threw up like four times and then pulled myself together and bought some tickets.

The concert was amazing. I had so much fun and loved seeing Tessa perform live. Like kings of leon? Check this out.



I’m lost.

Somewhere in the U library and I can’t get out.

I have been there for a week. I have been there so much they seriously asked me for a rent check yesterday.

So yes, the rumors are true. We are getting pretty serious.

During my multiple bbw study club sessions at the library I got a lot D.U.N.:
Can’t you tell?




p.s. if you were wondering what I have been studying so hard for at the library all week…

Window Display hot-number 2-literal mess

I have previously stated (my entire life) that I hate kids. I have never been good with them, they cry when they see me coming and or when I try to hold/smother them like a bean burrito. Anyways, my hatred for kids extends through all facets of my life. Home, play, and at work. I get so annoyed with kids ruining our table set-ups, or moving product around at Lotion Land. But, I think that kids have never annoyed, or conflicted with work quite like how they do at Aldo. Our store is small, so when parents with their children come searching for a good sole mate it can get claustrophobic REAL quick. Also, keep in mind that the people who are carting their kids around only seem to push them around in the the most obnoxious super-duper-deluxe-45 wheeler-baby stroller-get-up, that quite frankly if you ask me, is a real work of art. Take that stroller with the 2304982 wheels and gadgets hanging off around our sales rack shoe displays, WITHOUT knocking anything over AND/OR running over someone’s toes, and you can offically call yourself a good parent. All the sharp corners and whip lash from making quick stops to see if Mommy cand find that stripper-esk heel in her size, causes most all children in our store to cry. Adding insult to injury, we blast what some would call ‘one hit wonder’ (psh) 80’s songs that are infused with only the best Gay club trance techno beats of this era. That makes me want to cry, imagine being a baby. Awful.

To be honest, the only thing I hate more in this world than a bunch of crying kids are people who make fun of Oprah, because honestly? She’s amazing.

BACK TO THE POINT (wait, was there a point?) ….

GETTING TO THE POINT, today at Aldo I was happily checking my blackberry facebook app in the backroom err, working when I heard a commotion going on out front. Before I could set my phone down err, finish putting that shoe box away, I listened in the backroom as my fellow coworkers told me about what had happened out front.

Apparently, a cute little family was shopping for a pair a shoes for Dad, and a pair of Boots for Mom. Little 3 year old munchkin was left all lonesome and ignored in his stroller. When mentioned munchkin decided that he needed to use the bathroom, boot searching mommy told him to hold on. Well, muchkin couldn’t hold on.



Too much to handle.



I have never realized how much…

I love the quiet. Tonight I took a bath and I let my ears fill up with water and laid in my tub for 30 minutes. It was amazing. I will probably have an ear infection tomorrow…I don’t even care. I needed that quiet.

Dear sound of my heartbeat,

It has been a minute since we have shared a moment. Thanks for tonight.